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Professor Grant's group is part of the Department of Materials, University of Oxford.

The group is primarily based at Oxford University's Begbroke Science Park, approximately 5 miles north of Oxford city centre.

Oxford Energy provides more information on how our work links with Oxford University's wider energy research activities.

The Oxford Materials Characterisation Service (OMCS) offers a comprehensive service for the investigation of materials and materials related problems.

The Faraday Institution is the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage research, skills development, market analysis, and early-stage commercialisation.

The Henry Royce Institute is the UK's national institute for advanced materials research and innovation.

Begbroke Science Park is located approximately five miles north of Oxford. For directions please click here.

The postal address is:

University of Oxford,
Department of Materials,
Begbroke Science Park,
Begbroke Hill, Woodstock Road,
Begbroke, OX5 1PF,
United Kingdom.