Departmental Lecturer
My research focuses on using and developing X-ray synchrotron techniques to investigate the fundamental dynamic phenomena occurring in metal processing, with a particular interest in solidification of metal alloys. I obtained a B.Sc (2004) and M.Sc (2006) in Material Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano. I gained a Ph.D in Materials Science in 2011 from the University of Loughborough, with a project on the characterization of a nano-quasicrystalline containing Al alloy for high temperature applications. From 2011 to 2019 I was a PDRA at the Department of Materials, University of Oxford, working on in-situ imaging of solidification within Professor Grant’s Processing of Advanced Materials Group. In 2019 I became a Departmental Lecturer in the Processing of Advanced Materials in the same department.
I am principal investigator on an EPSRC grant dedicated to the development of a novel instrument for X-ray imaging (with STFC, EP/W024829/1) and am acting Co-I in two future manufacturing EPSRC hubs (>£10M) LiME - future liquid metal engineering (EP/N007638/1) and MAPP future manufacturing hub in manufacture using advanced powder processes (EP/P006566/1).