DPhil student
My DPhil project deals with novel manufacturing routes for solid-state batteries with argyrodite-type sulphide electrolytes. My research mostly focuses on two approaches, dry processing and spray printing, requiring new and different mixing, pressing, and spraying techniques. Samples are analysed via electrochemical characterization, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction measurements.
I received a B.Sc. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and a M.Sc. in Chemical Process Engineering from the University of Leeds.
The University of Leeds awarded me the Chemical Process Engineering MSc Prize for the best overall performance of the programme and the Chemical Process Engineering MSc Research Project Prize for the best performance in the research project in 2020. Also, I was granted the Head of School Excellence Scholarship of the University of Leeds 2019-2020, the e-fellows.net scholarship 2014-2017 and the scholarship of the Max Weber Programme of the Free State of Bavaria 2013-2015.